BigCommerce for WordPress
API & platform integration
Multi-channel capabilities

Multi-Channel Capabilities

Since version 3.1.0, BigCommerce for WordPress is capable of managing multiple channels (and displaying different product listings for each channel) from within a single WordPress site. This makes it possible to have multiple storefronts on a single WordPress instance with BigCommerce serving as headless commerce back-end.

This article explains how to enable and make use of BigCommerce for WordPress's multi-channel capabilities. The first two sections briefly note the filters required to enable and use the functionality; then, in Plugin Example, a more in-depth demonstration with example code is provided. For longer discussion on multi-storefront use cases and additional examples, see Build a Multi-Region Storefront with BigCommerce for WordPress 3.1.0+ (opens in a new tab) on our Developer Blog (opens in a new tab)

Enabling Multiple Channels

Multi-channel capabilities can be enabled with the addition of a BigCommerce for WordPress specific filter:

add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channels/enable-multi-channel', '__return_true' );

This will enable an admin to connect to multiple channels on the settings screen. The primary channel will still be used for all front-end requests unless filtered to use a different channel.

Switching Channels

Once multi-channel support is enabled and multiple channels are connected via BigCommerce settings in the WordPress admin, the channel displayed to shoppers on the front-end can be toggled with the following filter:

add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channel/current', function( $channel ) {
    // add logic here to determine the channel to use
    // note: replace '31' with the WordPress term_id of your connected channel
    return get_term( 31, \BigCommerce\Taxonomies\Channel\Channel::NAME );

The filter above displays the connected channel associated to the WordPress term_id passed to get_term() (31 in the example). An easy way to find your connected channel's term_id is by hovering over the Make Primary link in BigCommerce Channel Settings in the WordPress Admin (note the term_id shown in the URL indicated by the red arrow):

Getting the term_id

Plugin Example

A common use case for multiple channels and storefronts is offering differentiated shopping experiences for multiple geographic regions (ex: a UK and US storefronts with different translations, currencies, products, and pricing). With BigCommerce for WordPress's multi-channel capabilities, its possible to create a multi-region storefront using a single WordPress instance powered by a BigCommerce back-end. To demonstrate, this section provides steps to creating a simple plugin for switching channels and currency symbols via query string parameters.


  • Familiarity with developing WordPress plugins
  • BigCommerce store with at least two channels and products in each channel
  • Admin access to a WordPress instance with BigCommerce for WordPress installed
  • Ability to edit WordPress instance files locally or via FTP

Step 1: Setup Directory Structure

In your WordPress instance's wp-content/plugins/ directory:

  1. create a subdirectory called query-string-activation
  2. in the query-string-activation subdirectory, create a file called query-string-region-activation.php

Once finished, the directory structure should look as follows:

├── wp-content                                       # WP instance wp-content dir
|    ├── plugins                                     # WP instance plugins dir
|    |   ├── bigcommerce                             # BigCommerce for WordPress Plugin
    |   ├── query-string-activation                 # Example Child Plugin
    |   |   └── query-string-region-activation.php
|    |   ├── ...

For more information on editing WordPress and plugin files, see Editing Files (opens in a new tab) (

Step 2: Connect Channels

Add and connect the desired channels in WordPress Admin > BigCommerce > Settings > Channels and make note of the term_id in the URL when hovering over Make Primary:

Getting the term_id

In the example screenshot above, we've created and connected two channels:

  1. a US channel with term_id 32 (primary), and
  2. a UK channel with term_id 31

The term_ids for your channels will probably be different

Step 3: Add the Plugin Code

Now that we've connected two channels and made note of the term_ids, we're ready to begin coding.

Using your favorite code editor, copy and paste the following source code into query-string-region-activation.php:

 * Plugin Name: BC4WP: Query String Region Activation
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: Proof of concept for region activation by query string
 * Version: 0.5
 * Author: BigCommerce
 * Author URI:
// Enable multi channel capabilities
add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channels/enable-multi-channel', '__return_true' );
// If ?region=uk
if ( $_GET[ 'region' ] !== 'us' && ($_GET[ 'region' ] === 'uk' || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'region=uk') !== false) ) {
	// switch to the uk channel
	add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channel/current', function( $channel ) {
        // NOTE: change 31 to the  term_id of your channel
		return get_term( 31, \BigCommerce\Taxonomies\Channel\Channel::NAME );
	}, 10, 1 );
	// set currency code to GBP
	add_filter( 'pre_option_' . 'bigcommerce_currency_code', function() {
		return 'GBP';
	}, 10, 0 );
	// Set currency symbol to £
	add_filter( 'pre_option_bigcommerce_currency_symbol', function() {
		return '£';
	}, 10, 0 );
  • replace 31 in get_term() above with the term_id of your channel
  • change uk, GBP, and £ to the country code and currency corresponding to your channel, as desired

Here's what's happening in the example code:

  1. First enable multi-channel capabilities with add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channels/enable-multi-channel', '__return_true' );
  2. Then, there's an if statement to check the value of the ?region= query string from the browser:
    • If the value is NOT us and IS uk, filter to channel with term_id=31 (UK in this case)
      • change currency code to GBP (British pound sterling).
      • change the currency symbol to £

Once everything is configured correctly, we can test by navigating to All Products (/products/) on the WordPress storefront (note the product and currency symbol):

All Product US

Now let's switch the channel and currency symbol by passing in region=uk in the query string (notice product and currency symbol have changed):

All Product UK

Developing Further

Obviously, the example plugin above is simple and not super useful as-is; however, its a starting point to creating rich, multi-storefront shopping experiences.

For additional implementation ideas (such as adding a region selection dropdown and switching regions based on a shopper's geo IP), checkout how to Build a Multi-Region Storefront with BigCommerce for WordPress 3.1.0+ (opens in a new tab) on our developer blog.


How does BigCommerce for WordPress sync changes made to products in BigCommerce? In the past, if you made a change to a single product you would have to re-sync your entire catalog to copy the changes to WordPress. Now each product has a Sync button in the admin area so you can initiate a sync on a given product.

What is the taxonomy for storing channels? Most stores will only have one, but a store with multi-channel enabled may have many. The taxonomy’s UI is hidden, and it is only exposed during onboarding (when selecting the initial channel) and in the Channel Settings section when multi-channel is enabled. All products are associated with a channel term on import.



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