Checkout enhancements
Add stored payment methods

Adding Stored Payment Methods

The Cornerstone 2.6.0 release added stored payment method management for saved credit cards to the customer account.php page. The Cornerstone 4.4.0 release expanded this functionality to include saving PayPal accounts using PayPal Powered by Braintree (opens in a new tab).

This article contains instructions for manually applying the changes made in 4.4.0 to themes version 2.6.0 to 4.3.1. For a full diff of the files to change, see Cornerstone pull request 1603 (GitHub) (opens in a new tab). If you're developing on a theme older than version 2.6.0 you'll first need to apply the changes made in 2.6.0; to do so, see Stored Credit Card Management. For theme update best practices, see Theme Updates and Version Control.

Save PayPal Account

Update config.json

In config.json, replace account_payment_methods in the features array with account_payment_methods_v2 and add csrf_protection:

  "name": "Cornerstone",
  "version": "4.3.1",
  "meta": {
    "features": [
      "csrf_protection",        //  add csrf_protection
      "account_payment_methods" //  replace with account_payment_methods_v2

To enable saving PayPal accounts, credit cards, and other non-credit card payment methods using the theme, add the supported_payment_methods array (GitHub) (opens in a new tab) and append card and paypal to it:

  "supported_card_type_icons": [
  "supported_payment_methods": [ //  Add supported_payment_methods array
    "card",                      //  allowlist card and paypal
  "lazyload_mode": "lazyload+lqip"

To see the full diff, refer to Cornerstone pull request 1603 (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).

Update payment-methods-list.html

After you make the preceding config changes, you can pass a new version of the payment_methods object to the template.

To use the updated object, apply the changes from Cornerstone pull request 1603 (GitHub) (opens in a new tab) to payment-methods-list.html.

The updated object shows saved PayPal accounts in the payment method list.

Payment Method List

Update edit-payment-method.html

The customer.edit_stored_instrument object has been lightly extended to include a type attribute.

Using type, you can show or hide fields based on whether the current instrument is a stored_card or stored_paypal_account. The type is also passed to the form handler in a hidden input so the handler can update the instrument accordingly.

Modify edit-payment-method.html to include changes from Cornerstone pull request 1603 (GitHub) (opens in a new tab) to add the new user interface elements and behavior.

Update _paymentMethods.scss

To style the newly added UI elements, update _paymentMethods.scss with the changes from Cornerstone pull request 1603 (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).

Add PayPal Logo

The changes to payment-methods-list.html include a PayPal logo that's displayed on the payment method cards:

<img class="methodHeader-icon" src="{{cdn 'img/payment-methods/paypal.svg'}}" alt="{{lang 'account.payment_methods.paypal'}}" title="{{lang 'account.payment_methods.paypal'}}">

Use the command line to download the .svg and save it to assets/img/payment-methods:

cd assets/img/payment-methods/paypal.svg
curl -O

Update en.json

At minimum, an English translation needs to be added to lang/en.json: Cornerstone pull request 1603 (GitHub) (opens in a new tab). Add translations for other locales as needed.

Manage stored account payments

After adding a stored payment method (opens in a new tab), shoppers can use the Storefront account payments microapp to manage their stored payment instruments. The microapp provides a payment method form with billing address fields. Currently, the microapp works with Adyen. Plans include expanding the number of supported payment processors.

Install the microapp

To install the Storefront account payments microapp to your theme, inject the account_payments variable into the add-payment-method.html template.

{{#if account_payments}}
    {{{ account_payments }}}
        window.BigCommerce = window.BigCommerce || {};

The account_payments variable includes the <div> element that renders the microapp and a script tag containing the microapp URL. If the window.BigCommerce object does not yet exist, insert a script to create it.

If the selected payment provider already has an integration with the Storefront account payments microapp, initializing window.BigCommerce.renderAccountPayments renders the microapp automatically.

If the selected payment provider does not have an integration with the microapp, the account_payments variable is undefined and the fallback payment form renders. See an example of a fallback payment form and the conditional rendering logic from the Cornerstone theme (opens in a new tab).

Initialize the microapp

Initialize the microapp by calling the renderAccountPayments() method of the storefront browser's window.BigCommerce object. The Cornerstone theme initializes the microapp in the account.js file.

The renderAccountPayments() method takes the following three parameters:

  • style - an options object for customizing the look of the microapp form. May be empty.
  • storeContextData - an object that supplies store context.
  • errorHandler - a function that the microapp calls if the payments form submission fails.
Example renderAccountPayments() wrapper function
const initializeMicroapp = (style, storeContextData, errorHandler) => window.BigCommerce.renderAccountPayments(style, storeContextData, errorHandler);

This Cornerstone example (GitHub) (opens in a new tab) initializes window.BigCommerce.renderAccountPayments using JavaScript.

The following example expresses the method's parameters as a TypeScript interface:

Example interface for renderAccountPayments()
interface AppConfigInterface {
  styles?: AppStyles;
  storeContextData: StoreContextDataInterface;
  errorHandler(error: string): void;

The following TypeScript interfaces express the data structures and types that renderAccountPayments() expects:

interface AppStyles {
    inputBase?: CSSProperties;
    inputValidationError?: CSSProperties;
    inputValidationSuccess?: CSSProperties;
    submitButton?: CSSProperties;
    cancelButton?: CSSProperties;
    label?: CSSProperties;
    inputWrapper?: CSSProperties;
    validationError?: CSSProperties;
    heading?: CSSProperties;
    formRow?: CSSProperties;
    formActions?: CSSProperties;
interface StoreContextDataInterface {
    countries: Country[];
    paymentsUrl: string;
    storeHash: string;
    storeLocale: string;
    vaultToken: string;
    shopperId: string;
    customerEmail: string;
    providerId: PaymentProviders;
    currencyCode: string;
    paymentMethodsUrl: string;
    paymentProviderInitializationData: PaymentProviderInitializationData;
type PaymentProviderInitializationData =
  | AdyenV3InitializationData;
interface AdyenV2InitializationData {
    clientKey?: string;
    environment: string;
    gateway: string;
    originKey: string;
interface AdyenV3InitializationData {
    clientKey: string;
    environment: string;
    gateway: string;
    originKey?: string;
interface Country {
    code: string;
    label: string;
    states?: State[];
    value: string;
interface State {
    code: string;
    name: string;
    value: string;
enum PaymentProviders {
    Adyenv2 = 'adyenv2',
    Adyenv3 = 'adyenv3',


Where is the card data stored?

Card data is stored securely with the payment gateway.

Is storing credit cards PCI compliant?

Card data is stored securely with the payment gateway. The BigCommerce store is NOT storing the payment data.

Can shoppers modify their stored card?

After adding a card, shoppers can modify the billing address. To modify other the other details, shoppers will need to delete and re-add the card.


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