Page composition and styling

Page Composition and Styling

Referencing a CSS stylesheet

To apply CSS styling to a page in your theme, make sure that page's code includes a reference to the stylesheet you want to use. This example does so using the {{partial}} and {{cdn}} custom Handlebars helpers:

Example of stylesheet link inserted with Handlebars
{{#partial "head"}}
    <link href="{{cdn '/assets/css/invoice.scss'}}" rel="stylesheet">

Template composition

Template composition is a valuable Stencil feature. By defining blocks of overrideable content, your themes can insert templates on a per-page basis, while sharing code that is common to the whole theme.

Defining content blocks

A base template defines content blocks by name. The following snippet uses {{block}} custom Handlebars helpers to define three content blocks, respectively named head, hero, and page:

Example content block templates/layout/base.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>{{ head.title }}</title>
        {{#block "head"}} {{/block}}
        <div class="body">
		    {{#block "hero"}} {{/block}}
		    <div class="container">
		        {{#block "page"}} {{/block}}
		    {{> components/common/modal}}

Replacing content blocks

Pages can use a base template, replacing the defined blocks with their own content. This example replaces content for the head and page blocks:

Example of replacing content blocks /templates/pages/account/orders/invoice.html
{{#partial "head"}}
    <link href="{{cdn '/assets/css/invoice.scss'}}" rel="stylesheet">
{{#partial "page"}}
    <p>An invoice for a particular order would go here</p>
{{> layout/empty}}

Matching partials with blocks

For any given name defined within the template rendering path, we recommend that you maintain a 1:1 mapping of partials to blocks.

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