Catalog and inventory
MSF International Enhancements

International Enhancements for Multi-Storefront

These features are currently available for Enterprise stores and Partner Sandboxes. If the feature is not working as expected, please contact technical support, as the feature likely needs to be enabled for the individual store. To become an enterprise customer, contact your BigCommerce Customer Service Manager or our support team (opens in a new tab).

International Enhancements for Multi-Storefront allow merchants to deliver localized experiences to fit different shopper needs. You can express product details differently across cultures and countries. For example, when selling products internationally, you can add information for products in various languages. Shoppers can then see key product details in the language of their choice throughout the complete checkout and post-order experience for a personalized shopping experience. This personalized shopping experience helps shoppers find and learn information about a product before purchasing.

The following pages provide sample queries:

You can create webhooks that trigger for the following events:

Use cases

To use these features, set product attributes to locales within storefront channels. This update overrides global product attributes. Product attributes you can customize include the product name, description, variant options, modifier options, and SEO settings.

This allows you to perform the following:

  • Customize product name and description for culture or language
  • Optimize SEO or display product options and variations based on country
  • Create additional brands to position the same product to multiple market segments and shopper personas
  • Tailor product content for different countries that have different compliance regulations
  • Display relevant seasonal or featured products
  • Enable two-way syncing of listings data to catalog between channels

GraphQL schema

The catalog features in International Enhancements for MSF are part of the GraphQL Admin API. You can use this GraphQL management API to set and query catalog data for a locale within a channel.

Request URL:{{STORE_HASH}}/graphql

Path Parameters:

STORE_HASHstringUnique ID for a storeYes

For a full schema, see the GraphQL Admin API reference (opens in a new tab).

Input fields

Setting or removing information requires that you specify ID fields in the input. These ID fields contain global IDs that you can retrieve from REST API endpoints.

For example, the productId field contains the global product ID. Retrieve the global product ID from the response body of the Get all products endpoint. A product with a global ID of 111 has a productId of "bc/store/product/111".

The following table describes the ID fields that you can use in inputs for mutations:

Field in InputDescriptionGlobal IDExample
productIdProduct IDGet all products"bc/store/product/111"
channelIdChannel IDGet all channels"bc/store/channel/2"
optionIdVariant option IDGet all product variant options"bc/store/productOption/108"
Shared variant option IDNavigate to Products
>Product Options

in the control panel.

Retrieve the global ID from the URL.
modifierIdModifier IDGet all product modifiers"bc/store/productModifier/121"
Shared modifier IDNavigate to Products
>Product Options
>Shared Modifiers

in the control panel.

Retrieve the global ID from the URL.
valueIdVariant option value IDGet all product variant option valuesProduct variant options: "bc/store/productOptionValue/68"

Shared variant options: "bc/store/sharedProductOptionValue/123"
Modifier value IDGet all modifier valuesProduct modifiers: "bc/store/productModifierValue/107"

Shared modifiers: "bc/store/sharedProductModifierValue/107"
customFieldIdID for a product custom fieldGet product custom fields"bc/store/productCustomField/1"
imageIdImage ID.Get all product images"bc/store/productImage/1"


The GraphQL Admin API works with store-level API accounts.

Authentication header

Your requests should have the following for authentication.

X-Auth-Tokenaccess_tokenFor more about API accounts that generate access_tokens, see API Accounts and OAuth Scopes.

For example requests and more information about authenticating BigCommerce APIs, see Authentication and Example Requests.

OAuth scopes

The API account should have the following OAuth scopes.

UI NamePermissionParameter

For more about BigCommerce OAuth scopes, see API Accounts and OAuth Scopes.

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