Style editor

Style Editor

Style Editor allows users to customize the look and feel of their BigCommerce store, without needing to know HTML or CSS conventions. Using a simple WYSIWYG interface, users can edit colors and fonts, then see the changes simultaneously in a live preview.

Style Editor uses Less.js as a CSS preprocessor. This allows Style Editor to take advantage of variables and other functions to ensure design consistency.

What Is Less.js?

Less (formally, Less.js) is a CSS preprocessor that allows theme designers to use advanced functions and programming principles in their CSS. A JavaScript compiler runs over the Less files, and converts them into usable CSS that can be included in themes.

For more information on examples, techniques, and how to install Less, please see (opens in a new tab).

Integrating a Theme with the Style Editor

The Style Editor uses a specific group of files to build its user interface, and to compile and generate the stylesheet. BigCommerce’s base developer theme, Blueprint, already contains these out-of-the-box. The files are stored in the Styles/less directory.

The Style Editor depends on these files:

  • style-editor-variables.less
  • internal-variables.less
  • init.less
  • theme.less


Style Editor uses this file to generate its user interface. Here, you can enter variables for colours, fonts and numbers that will help the merchant customize the design of the theme. You can separate these variables out into sections with headings to help categorize the variables in a logical manner. No actual CSS is written in this file.

There are some syntax patterns involved that Style Editor will understand to help you customize the UI. Special syntax:

@color-your-text-here — This is the naming convention for a color variable. The style editor will generate this as a color picker, with the value of the variable set as the color picker’s default hexadecimal color value.

For example:

@color-header-background: #FFFFFF;

This will generate a color picker with the label “Header Background”, set to #FFFFFF (white) by default.

@font-your-text-here — This is the naming convention for a font variable. The style editor will generate this as a dropdown, preloaded with your theme’s predefined fonts. The variable’s value will be preselected.

For example:

@font-page-text: "Open Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;

This will generate a dropdown with the label “Page Text”, and with the “Open Sans” font preselected. The dropdown’s other options will be the predefined list of fonts you’ve provided.

@font-declaration — This variable will store all the default fonts (and their fallbacks) for the style editor. It will use these fonts in the font dropdown mentioned in the above point.

For example:

@font-declaration: '{ "Lato":["Lato", "Arial", "sans-serif"], "Freckle Face":["Freckle Face", "cursive"]}';

This will populate all font drop-downs with the fonts “Lato” and “Freckle Face,” and if one of them is selected, the fonts for that variable will be set to the values in the corresponding array of fonts. For example, “Lato” will set the fonts to “Lato”, Arial, sans-serif.

To use these fonts in the Style Editor, they must be included in the style editor variables file through an import. For the above example, you would include the styles from Google Fonts like so:

@import url(//|Freckle+Face);

@color-declaration — This variable will store all the default colors for the style editor. It will list these colours in the color picker’s palette after all the color picker’s defaults.

For example:

@color-declaration: '["#FF7700, #9966CC" ]';

This will add a shade of orange and a shade of purple to the end of the list of colors selectable in the color picker.

//! @section: your text here — You can group variables into sections with headings using this syntax to help your users read and understand your variables more easily.

For example:

//! @section: Header
@color-header-background: #FFF;
//! @endsection of

This will create a section in the left navigation with the title “Header”, which will house the “Header Background” variable.

More information on syntax, and examples, can be found in the comments of the style-editor-variables.less file found in Blueprint.


This file is for you to store the variables that you may need to use, but don’t want the Style editor to see. For example, you can use it to create a hierarchy within your Less file, so that:

  • The user sets a value to @color-store-name;
  • in internal-variables.less, @main-accent: @color-store-name;
  • in init.less, we set a:hover {color: @main-accent};

In this example, the link hover color will be set to whatever the store name color is. We can add as many selectors as we want to this css statement, depending on our design.

This way, we can reuse the color that gets set to @color-store-name as the color for elements that we may not want to be edited in the Style Editor, but will now carry on the colour of the store name to create consistency within your design.


This is where you initialize the use of the variables. This file contains all the CSS that will be compiled and generated into the theme.css file. For example, the @color-store-name can now be applied to the #HeaderLogo h1 element by saying:

#HeaderLogo h1 {
color: @color-store-name


The file that ultimately gets compiled into theme.css. This just uses @import to include the other three Less files for compilation. The Style Editor will read this file for instructions on how to compile your styles using Less.

Compiling your Less files

Once you have finished working on your .less files, don’t forget to compile them! If you are using the command line, you should be doing something similar to:

lessc Styles/less/theme.less > Styles/theme.css 

This will use the theme.less file to generate the theme.css file into your theme's Styles/ folder.

If you find that you have to make a change to theme.css, please don't forget to replicate this change in theme.less (but more preferably, in init.less). Otherwise, every time you recompile the less files, this change will be overwritten.

Less offers a variety of compilation methods, including applications for both Windows and Mac that you can use if you prefer not to use the command prompt/terminal.

Testing Style Editor with Your Theme

If you'd like to add Style Editor support to your theme, you can enable the Style Editor on just your store. Simply log in to the control panel and place /index.php?ToDo=viewTemplates&dev=enable after /admin.

(For example:

This will enable Developer Mode for your store, which also enables Blueprint and other features for theme developers. You can use Blueprint as a basis for creating new themes.

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