LNG variables

LNG Variables

The Blueprint theme uses the following LNG variables to reference text strings. This list is sorted alphabetically by variable name.

To make it easier for store owners who might wish to translate, or otherwise modify, their strings: Use these variables instead of hard-coding string values into your theme.

VariableDefault string value
%%LNG_AC_AbandonedCartConvertedHeading%%"An abandoned cart was converted to an order"
%%LNG_AC_AbandonedCartNoticeHeading%%"Abandoned Cart Notice"
%%LNG_AC_CartContentsSubheading%%"Products In Cart"
%%LNG_AC_ContactDetailsSubheading%%"Contact Details"
%%LNG_AC_CouponCodeAfterText%%" during checkout to receive "
%%LNG_AC_CouponCodeBeforeText%%"Enter coupon code "
%%LNG_AC_EmailUnsubscribeSuffix%%" from future emails like this"
%%LNG_AC_RecoveredEmailIntroText%%"The automated emails we've been sending shoppers who didn't make it all the way through the checkout process have resulted in a new order. The customer's contact details and ordered items are shown below."
%%LNG_AccountDetailsDescription%%"Update your contact details, email address and/or change your password."
%%LNG_AccountEnterFirstName%%"Please type in your first name."
%%LNG_AccountEnterLastName%%"Please type in your last name."
%%LNG_AccountEnterPassword%%"Please type in a password."
%%LNG_AccountEnterPhoneNumber%%"Please type in your phone number."
%%LNG_AccountEnterValidEmail%%"Please type in a valid email address, such as <a href=''></a>"
%%LNG_AccountInboxIntroNoOrders%%"Once you place an order you'll have full access to your inbox from this page."
%%LNG_AccountNoRecentItems%%"You haven't looked at any items on our site. When you do, they will appear here."
%%LNG_AccountOrdersIntro%%"Your completed orders with us are shown below. Click 'View Order' to view an orders details."
%%LNG_AccountOrdersNone%%"You don't have any completed orders with us. When you do, they will appear on this page."
%%LNG_AccountOrderStatusIntro%%"The status of your recent orders is shown below. Click 'View Order' to see complete details."
%%LNG_AccountOrderStatusNone%%"You haven't placed any orders with us. When you do, their status will appear on this page."
%%LNG_AccountPasswordsDontMatch%%"Your passwords don't match."
%%LNG_AccountRecentItemsIntro%%"The items you've recently looked at on our site are shown below."
%%LNG_AccountReturnsIntro%%"To return an item from one of your previous orders, please <a href='account.php?action=view_orders'>click here</a>."
%%LNG_AccountReturnsNone%%"You do not have any outstanding return requests with us at the moment."
%%LNG_AddressBook%%"Address Book"
%%LNG_AddressBookDescription%%"Add, edit and remove shipping and billing destinations from your address book."
%%LNG_AddShippingAddress%%"Add New Address"
%%LNG_AddToCart1%%"Click the button below to add the"
%%LNG_AddToWishList%%"Add to Wish List"
%%LNG_AdminMaintenanceNotice%%"<br />Only administrators can view the store at the moment. Visit your control panel settings page to disable maintenance mode.<br /><br /><a href='?showStore=no'>Click here to see what your visitors will see.</a>"
%%LNG_AdminMaintenanceNoticeHeader%%"Your store is down for maintenance."
%%LNG_AdvancedExample1%%"ipod <em>or</em> creative"
%%LNG_AdvancedExample2%%"music <em>not</em> creative"
%%LNG_AdvancedSearch%%"Advanced Search"
%%LNG_AdvancedSearching%%"Advanced Searching"
%%LNG_AdvancedSearchingAnd%%"<em>not</em> specifies that the term must not be present in the search results."
%%LNG_AdvancedSearchingKeywords%%"The words 'and', 'or' and 'not' are special keywords used to join words."
%%LNG_AdvancedSearchingNot%%"<em>not</em> specifies that the term must not be present in the search results."
%%LNG_AdvancedSearchingOr%%"<em>or</em> specifies that either of the terms must be present in the results."
%%LNG_AdvancedSearchingPhrases%%"If you wish to search for a phrase, enclose it within <em>"double quotes"</em>"
%%LNG_AlphaAsc%%"Alphabetical: A to Z"
%%LNG_AlphaDesc%%"Alphabetical: Z to A"
%%LNG_AlreadyHaveAnAccount%%"I'm A Returning Customer"
%%LNG_AlreadyHaveAnAccountIntro%%"To continue, please enter your email address and password that you use for your account."
%%LNG_AlsoWantToShipToThisAddress%%"I also want to ship to this address"
%%LNG_AuthorisationCode%%"Authorisation Code"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetCardHoldersName%%”Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetCreditCardCCV2%%”CVV Code"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetCreditCardNo%%”Credit Card Number"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetCreditCardNoHelp%%”Numbers only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetEnterCardNumber%%”Please enter the card number only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetEnterCreditCardMonth%%”You forgot to choose an expiry month."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetEnterCreditCardYear%%”You forgot to choose an expiry year."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetEnterCVV2Number%%”Please enter your credit card vertification number. This is usually the last three or four digits on the signature strip of your card."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetEnterName%%”You forgot to enter the cardholder's name."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetExpirationDate%%”Expiration Date"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetPayForOrder%%”Pay for Order"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetPaymentIntro%%”Complete the form below and then click the "Pay for Order" button to pay for your order using our secure server."
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetProcessingError%%”Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_AuthorizeNetTotalAmount%%”Order Total"
%%LNG_AutoSearchSubCats%%"Automatically search sub categories"
%%LNG_AvgCustomerReview%%"Avg. Customer Review"
%%LNG_BadContactFormCaptcha%%"The characters you copied from the image are incorrect. Please try again."
%%LNG_BasicExample1%%"ipod touch"
%%LNG_BasicExample2%%"mp3 player"
%%LNG_BasicSearching%%"Basic Searching"
%%LNG_BasicSearchingCommon%%"Common words such as 'are' and 'is' as well as words below 3 characters are automatically removed from your search terms."
%%LNG_BasicSearchingFields%%"All search terms are matched against product names, descriptions and the product code."
%%LNG_BasicSearchingMultiple%%"Multiple search words are supported. Results containing all of your search terms are ranked higher than those which don't."
%%LNG_BasicSearchingShort%%"Try to keep search terms short and to the point."
%%LNG_BillAndShipToAddress%%"Bill & Ship to this Address"
%%LNG_BillingAddress%%"Billing Address"
%%LNG_BillingDetails%%"Billing Details"
%%LNG_BillTo%%"Billing Details"
%%LNG_BillToThisAddress%%"Bill to this address"
%%LNG_BrandName%%"Brand Name"
%%LNG_BrandsTagCloud%%"Brands Tag Cloud"
%%LNG_BrandTagCloudHelp%%"The <em>brands tag cloud</em> shows all of the brands available for purchase.<br /><br />The bigger the brand appears, the more products it contains.<br /><br />Click on a brand below to see all products listed under that brand.<br /><br />"
%%LNG_BulkDiscountLink%%"Buy in bulk and save"
%%LNG_BulkDiscountThickBoxIntro%%"Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount"
%%LNG_BulkDiscountThickBoxIntro%%"Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount"
%%LNG_CalculateShipping%%"Estimate Shipping & Tax"
%%LNG_CalculateShippingHandling%%"Estimate Shipping & Tax"
%%LNG_CantReorderGiftCertificateAlert%%"Unfortunately gift certificates can not be reordered. Click on the 'Gift Certificates' link to purchase a new one."
%%LNG_CantReorderItems%%"One or more selected items can't be reordered."
%%LNG_CaptchaIntro%%"Please copy the characters from the image into the text field below. Doing this helps us prevent automated submissions."
%%LNG_CaptchaVerification%%"Captcha Check"
%%LNG_CardholderName%%"Cardholder Name"
%%LNG_CartItems%%"Cart Items"
%%LNG_CartRemoveConfirm%%"Are you sure you want to remove this item from your cart?"
%%LNG_CatalogPriceExTaxLabel%%" (ex :label)"
%%LNG_CatalogPriceIncTaxLabel%%" (inc :label)"
%%LNG_CategoryNewProductsFeed%%"New Products RSS Feed for %s"
%%LNG_CategoryPopularProductsFeed%%"Popular Products RSS Feed for %s"
%%LNG_CCManualCardHoldersName%%”Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_CCManualChooseCardType%%”You forgot to choose a card type."
%%LNG_CCManualCreditCardCCV2%%”CCV2 Value"
%%LNG_CCManualCreditCardIssueNo%%”Card Issue No"
%%LNG_CCManualCreditCardNo%%”Credit Card No"
%%LNG_CCManualCreditCardType%%”Card Type"
%%LNG_CCManualEnterCardNumber%%”Please enter a valid credit card number containing no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_CCManualEnterCreditCardMonth%%”You forgot to choose an expiry month."
%%LNG_CCManualEnterCreditCardYear%%”You forgot to choose an expiry year."
%%LNG_CCManualEnterCVV2Number%%”Please enter your credit card verification number. This is usually the last three or four digits on the signature strip of your card."
%%LNG_CCManualEnterIssueDetails%%”Please enter a valid issue number or issue date."
%%LNG_CCManualEnterName%%”You forgot to enter the cardholder's name."
%%LNG_CCManualExpirationDate%%”Expiration Date"
%%LNG_CCManualIssueDate%%”Card Issue Date"
%%LNG_ChangeYourPassword%%"Change Your Password"
%%LNG_CharactersRemaining%%"characters remaining"
%%LNG_CheckBalance%%"Check Balance"
%%LNG_CheckCertificateBalance%%"Check Remaining Balance"
%%LNG_CheckingOutAs%%"Checking Out As"
%%LNG_CheckoutAsAGuest%%"Checkout as a guest"
%%LNG_CheckoutButtonTitle%%"Click here to proceed to checkout"
%%LNG_CheckoutGuestIntro%%"Register with us for a faster checkout, to track the status of your order and more. You can also checkout as a guest."
%%LNG_CheckoutUseStoreCredit%%"Pay using my store credit"
%%LNG_CheckoutWithMultipleAddresses%%"Checkout with multiple addresses"
%%LNG_ChooseAnotherProduct%%"Choose Another Product"
%%LNG_ChooseGiftWrappingOption%%"-- Please choose a type of gift wrapping --"
%%LNG_ChooseHowToWrapItems%%"Please choose how you'd like to have this item gift wrapped."
%%LNG_ChooseReturnAction%%"-- Please Choose an Action (Optional) --"
%%LNG_ChooseReturnReason%%"-- Please Choose a Reason --"
%%LNG_ChooseShippingCountry%%"Please choose your country."
%%LNG_ChooseShippingMethod%%"Please choose a shipping method."
%%LNG_ChooseShippingProvider%%"Choose a Shipping Method"
%%LNG_ChooseShippingState%%"Please choose a state/province."
%%LNG_ChooseYourOptions%%"Choose Your Options"
%%LNG_ClickHere%%"click here"
%%LNG_ClickHereToTrackYourOrder%%"Track the status of your order"
%%LNG_ClickToCreateAnAccount%%"Click here to create a new account."
%%LNG_ClickToPrintInvoice%%"Print Invoice"
%%LNG_ClickToViewReturnStatus%%"Click here to view the status of this return."
%%LNG_CloseWindow%%"Close Window"
%%LNG_CloseWindow%%"Close Window"
%%LNG_CompanyName%%"Company Name"
%%LNG_CompareSelected%%"Compare Selected"
%%LNG_CompareSelectMessage%%"Please choose at least 2 products to compare."
%%LNG_CompareTwoProducts%%"At least 2 products are needed to make a valid comparison."
%%LNG_CompletedOrders%%"Completed Orders"
%%LNG_CompletedOrdersDescription%%"See all completed orders you've placed at %s. You can also print invoices from this page."
%%LNG_ConfirmDeleteShippingAddress%%"Are you sure you want to delete this shipping address?"
%%LNG_ConfirmDeleteWishLists%%"Are you sure you want to delete the selected wish list(s)? This action cannot be undone."
%%LNG_ConfirmRemoveGiftWrapping%%"Are you sure you want to remove the gift wrapping from this item?"
%%LNG_ConfirmYourOrder%%"Please Review Your Order Before Continuing"
%%LNG_ContactCompanyName%%"Company Name"
%%LNG_ContactEmail%%"Email Address"
%%LNG_ContactFormDetails%%"Here are their details"
%%LNG_ContactFormEmail1%%"A user has submitted the contact form on your store."
%%LNG_ContactFormEnterEmail%%"Please enter a valid email address, such as <a href=''></a>."
%%LNG_ContactFormEnterQuestion%%"You forgot to enter your question/comment."
%%LNG_ContactName%%"Full Name"
%%LNG_ContactOrderNo%%"Order Number"
%%LNG_ContactPageFormSubmitted%%"'%s' submitted the form from your '%s' page"
%%LNG_ContactPhone%%"Phone Number"
%%LNG_ContactRMANo%%"RMA Number"
%%LNG_ContainsTheFollowingItems%%"Contained the Following Items"
%%LNG_ContinueRaquo%%"Continue »"
%%LNG_ContinueShopping%%"Continue Shopping"
%%LNG_CouldNotShipFollowingItems%%"The following item(s) could not be shipped to your shipping address:"
%%LNG_CouponCode%%"Coupon Code"
%%LNG_CouponCodeIntro%%"If you have a coupon code, enter it in the box below and click 'Go'."
%%LNG_CreateAccount%%"Create Account"
%%LNG_CreateAccountIntro1%%<b>Checkout:</b> "Fill in the fields below to create an "<br><b>Express Checkout:</b> "Checkout faster"
%%LNG_CreateAccountIntro2%%<b>Checkout:</b> "account. You'll be able to shop and check out faster on your next visit, check your order status online, and optionally receive updates on special offers and events."<br><b>Express Checkout:</b> "Save multiple addresses in your address book"
%%LNG_CreateAccountIntro3%%"Access order history and track your orders"
%%LNG_CreateAccountIntro4%%"Checkout faster at"
%%LNG_CreateAccountIntro5%%"and save multiple addresses in your address book."
%%LNG_CreateAccountIntroTitle%%"Create an account with us and you'll be able to:"
%%LNG_CreateAccountLoginIntro%%"<p>Create an account with us and you'll be able to:</p><ul><li>Check out faster</li><li>Save multiple shipping addresses</li><li>Access your order history</li><li>Track new orders</li><li>Save items to your wish list</li></ul>"
%%LNG_CreateAccountPersonalIntro%%"Enter your email address and password to create your account."
%%LNG_CreateAccountShippingIntro%%"Enter the name and address you'd like us to ship your order to."
%%LNG_CreateAccountThanks%%"Your Account Has Been Created"
%%LNG_CreateAccountThanksIntro%%"Thank you for creating your account at %s. Your account details have been emailed to %s."
%%LNG_CreateANewWishList%%"Create a New Wish List..."
%%LNG_CreditCardCardHoldersName%%”Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_CreditCardCardType%%”Credit Card Type"
%%LNG_CreditCardChooseCardType%%”You forgot to choose a card type."
%%LNG_CreditCardCreditCardIssueNo%%”Card Issue No"
%%LNG_CreditCardCreditCardIssueNoHelp%%”The issue number found on the front of your card under 'ISS' or 'ISSUE'<br />Only required for cards that contain it."
%%LNG_CreditCardCreditCardNo%%”Credit Card Number"
%%LNG_CreditCardCreditCardNoHelp%%”Numbers only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_CreditCardCVV2Help%%"For Visa/MasterCard/Discover cards, it's the three digit code beside your signature strip on the back of the card. For American Express cards, it's the four digit code above the account number on the front of the card."
%%LNG_CreditCardEnterCardCode%%”Please enter your credit card security code. This is usually the last three or four digits on the signature strip of your card."
%%LNG_CreditCardEnterCardNumber%%”Please enter the card number only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_CreditCardEnterCreditCardMonth%%”You forgot to choose an expiry month."
%%LNG_CreditCardEnterCreditCardYear%%”You forgot to choose an expiry year."
%%LNG_CreditCardEnterIssueNoOrDate%%”Please enter your card issue number or issue date."
%%LNG_CreditCardEnterName%%”You forgot to enter the cardholder's name."
%%LNG_CreditCardExpirationDate%%”Expiration Date"
%%LNG_CreditCardIssueDate%%”Card Issue Date"
%%LNG_CreditCardIssueDateHelp%%”The issue date found on the front of your card.<br />Only required for cards that contain it."
%%LNG_CreditCardPayForOrder%%”Pay for Order"
%%LNG_CreditCardPaymentIntro%%”Complete the form below and then click the "Pay for Order" button to pay for your order using our secure server."
%%LNG_CreditCardPleaseChoose%%”-- Please Choose --"
%%LNG_CreditCardProcessingError%%”Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_CreditCardTotalAmount%%”Total Amount"
%%LNG_CreditPaymentMethod%%"Pay the remaining %s via:"
%%LNG_CurrencyConverter%%"Currency Converter"
%%LNG_CurrentTopSellers%%"Current Top Sellers"
%%LNG_CustomersAlsoBought%%"Customers Also Purchased"
%%LNG_CustomersWhoLikedThisProductAlsoLiked%%"Customers Who Liked This Product Also Liked"
%%LNG_DateAndTime%%"Date and Time"
%%LNG_DateOfOrder%%"Order Date"
%%LNG_DateRequested%%"Date Requested"
%%LNG_DateShipped%%"Date Shipped"
%%LNG_DeleteProductFieldFileConfirmation%%"Are you sure you want to delete the uploaded file?"
%%LNG_DeliveryDisclaimer%%"*Delivery time is approximate from date of shipment"
%%LNG_DesignModeChangesSaved%%"Your design mode changes have been saved successfully."
%%LNG_DesignModeConfirmDisable%%"Are you sure you want to disable design mode? Any changes you've made won't be saved.\n\nYou can re-enable design mode at any time by logging in to your store's control panel, visiting the 'Store Design' page and clicking the 'Design Mode' tab.\n\nClick OK to confirm."
%%LNG_DesignModeConfirmPanelRemove%%"Are you sure you want to remove the panel ':panel' from the page? It may still appear on other pages. Click OK to confirm."
%%LNG_DesignModeConfirmUndo%%"Are you sure? Any changes you've made wont be saved. Click OK to confirm."
%%LNG_DesignModeMenuEditLayout%%"Edit Layout..."
%%LNG_DesignModeMenuEditPanel%%"Edit Panel..."
%%LNG_DesignModeMenuEditStylesheet%%"Edit Stylesheet..."
%%LNG_DesignModeMenuRemovePanel%%"Remove Panel"
%%LNG_DesignModeRemoveLastPanel%%"This is the last panel in this column.\n\nIf you wish to move this panel please move another panel in to this column first."
%%LNG_DidYouMean%%"Did you mean"
%%LNG_DownloadTheItemsYouOrdered%%"Download the items you ordered"
%%LNG_EditAccountIntro%%"Make changes to your account details below. Click 'Update My Details' when you're done."
%%LNG_EmailAddress%%"Email Address"
%%LNG_EmptyCartInfo%%"To add a product to your cart, first browse for it or use the search box and then click its "Add to Cart" button."
%%LNG_EmptyHomePage%%"home page."
%%LNG_EmptySmallSearch%%"You forgot to enter some search keywords."
%%LNG_EnterCaptchaCode%%"Please copy the characters from the image into the 'Captcha Check' text box."
%%LNG_EnterCouponCode%%"Please enter your coupon code."
%%LNG_EnterGiftCertificateCode%%"Please enter your gift certificate code."
%%LNG_EnterGiftCertificateValueBetween%%"Please enter an amount between the minimum and maximum gift certificate value."
%%LNG_EnterOrderComments%%"Order Instructions/Comments (Optional)"
%%LNG_EnterRequiredField%%"Please enter the required field(s)."
%%LNG_EnterShippingAddress%%"Please type in an address."
%%LNG_EnterShippingCity%%"Please type in your suburb/city."
%%LNG_EnterShippingFirstName%%"Please type in your first name."
%%LNG_EnterShippingLastName%%"Please type in your last name."
%%LNG_EnterShippingPhone%%"Please enter your phone number."
%%LNG_EnterShippingZip%%"Please type in your zip/postcode."
%%LNG_EnterTheCodeBelow%%"Enter the code below:"
%%LNG_EnterValidCertificateCode%%"Please enter a gift certificate code."
%%LNG_EnterValidCertificateFromEmail%%"Please enter your email address."
%%LNG_EnterValidCertificateFromName%%"Please enter your name."
%%LNG_EnterValidCertificateToEmail%%"Please enter a valid email address for the person you wish to send this gift certificate to."
%%LNG_EnterValidCertificateToName%%"Please enter the name of the person you wish to send this gift certificate to."
%%LNG_EnterValidFromPrice%%"Please enter a valid 'from' price containing numbers only."
%%LNG_EnterValidGiftCertificateAmount%%"Please enter a valid amount for this gift certificate."
%%LNG_EnterValidToPrice%%"Please enter a valid 'to' price containing numbers only."
%%LNG_EnterWishListName%%"Please enter a wishlist name."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPCardHoldersName%%”Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPCreditCardCCV2%%”Card Security Code"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPCreditCardNo%%”Credit Card Number"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPCreditCardNoHelp%%”Numbers only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterCardNumber%%”Please enter the card number only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterCreditCardMonth%%”You forgot to choose an expiry month."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterCreditCardYear%%”You forgot to choose an expiry year."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterCVV2Number%%”Please enter your credit card security code. This is usually the last three or four digits on the signature strip of your card."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterName%%”You forgot to enter the cardholder's name."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterPostcode%%”You forgot to enter a zip/postcode."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterStreetName%%”You forgot to enter your street name."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPEnterStreetNumber%%”You forgot to enter your street number."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPExpirationDate%%”Expiration Date"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPPayForOrder%%”Pay for Order"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPPaymentIntro%%”Please enter the following information as it appears on your credit card statement and then click the "Pay for Order" button to pay for your order."
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPProcessingError%%”Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPStreetName%%”Street Address"
%%LNG_eSelectPlusDPTotalAmount%%”Order Total"
%%LNG_EWayCardCode%%”CVV Code"
%%LNG_EWayCardHoldersName%%”Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_EWayCreditCardNo%%”Credit Card Number"
%%LNG_EWayCreditCardNoHelp%%”Numbers only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_EWayEnterCardCode%%”Please enter your credit card security code. This is usually the last three or four digits on the signature strip of your card."
%%LNG_EWayEnterCardNumber%%”Please enter the card number only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_EWayEnterCreditCardMonth%%”You forgot to choose an expiry month."
%%LNG_EWayEnterCreditCardYear%%”You forgot to choose an expiry year."
%%LNG_EWayEnterName%%”You forgot to enter the cardholder's name."
%%LNG_EWayExpirationDate%%”Expiration Date"
%%LNG_EWayPayForOrder%%”Pay for Order"
%%LNG_EWayPaymentIntro%%”Complete the form below and then click the "Pay for Order" button to pay for your order using our secure server."
%%LNG_EWayProcessingError%%”Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_EWayTotalAmount%%”Order Total"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutCheckingOutAsGuest%%"Checking out as a guest"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutChooseBilling%%"Please select the address you'd like to use as your billing address for this order."
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutChooseShipper%%"Please select the shipping method you'd like to use for your order."
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutChooseShipping%%"Please select the address you'd like to use as your shipping address for this order."
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutCreatingAnAccount%%"Creating an account"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutLoadError%%"There was an error loading this step of the checkout. Please try again."
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutSelectShippingProvider%%"Please choose the shipping method for your order:"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepAccountDetails%%"Account Details"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepBillingAccountDetails%%"Billing & Account Details"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepBillingAddress%%"Billing Details"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepOrderConfirmation%%"Order Confirmation"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepPaymentDetails%%"Payment Details"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepShippingAddress%%"Shipping Details"
%%LNG_ExpressCheckoutStepShippingMethod%%"Shipping Method"
%%LNG_FeaturedItems%%"Featured Items"
%%LNG_FeaturedProduct%%"Featured Product"
%%LNG_FeaturedProducts%%"Featured Products"
%%LNG_FeaturedProductsFeed%%"Featured Products RSS Feed"
%%LNG_FilterBy%%"Filter by"
%%LNG_FindByCategory%%"Find Similar Products by Category"
%%LNG_FindProductsByTag%%"Find Similar Products by Tag"
%%LNG_FirstName%%"First Name"
%%LNG_ForbiddenAccessPage%%"You Do Not Have Permission To Access This Page"
%%LNG_ForgotPassword%%"Forgot Password"
%%LNG_ForgotPasswordIntro%%"Fill in your email below to request a new password. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address."
%%LNG_ForgotYourPassword%%"Forgot your password?"
%%LNG_FreeShipping%%"Free Shipping"
%%LNG_GetNewPasswordIntro%%"Your password should be at least 6 characters long and will be case sensitive."
%%LNG_GiftCertificate%%"Gift Certificate"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateBalanceCode%%"Gift Certificate Code"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateBalanceFor%%"Gift Certificate Balance for"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateBalanceIntro%%"You can check the balance of a gift certificate by typing the code in to the box below."
%%LNG_GiftCertificateCode%%"Redeem Gift Certificate"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateCodeIntro%%"To pay for this order using a gift certificate, enter the gift certificate code in the box below and click 'Go'."
%%LNG_GiftCertificateEmailAttached%%"Your gift certificate is attached to this email."
%%LNG_GiftCertificateEmailedAfterPurchase%%"This gift certificate will be emailed to the recipient after your order has been paid for."
%%LNG_GiftCertificateEmailInstructions%%"For instructions on how to redeem your gift certificate please <a href='%s/giftcertificates.php?action=redeem'>click here</a>."
%%LNG_GiftCertificateEmailWarning%%"Please download or print a copy of your gift certificate for safe keeping as gift certificates are non-transferable."
%%LNG_GiftCertificateEmailYouHaveReceived%%"You have received a Gift Certificate for"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateFrom%%"Your Name"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateFromEmail%%"Your Email"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateMessage%%"Your Message"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateMessageTooLong%%"Please enter a shorter message for your gift certificate."
%%LNG_GiftCertificates%%"Gift Certificates"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateTerms2%%"I understand that gift certificates are non-refundable"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateTheme%%"Gift Certificate Theme"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateTo%%"Recipient's Name"
%%LNG_GiftCertificateToEmail%%"Recipient's Email"
%%LNG_GiftMessage%%"Gift Message"
%%LNG_GiftWrapping%%"Gift Wrapping"
%%LNG_GrandTotal%%"Grand Total"
%%LNG_HC_allbrands%%”View all brands"
%%LNG_HC_allprices%%”All prices are in"
%%LNG_HC_billingaddress%%”Billing Address"
%%LNG_HC_calluson%%”Call us on"
%%LNG_HC_chooseproduct%%”choose another product"
%%LNG_HC_clicktochangebilling%%”Click Here to Change Billing Details if Required"
%%LNG_HC_continuetostore%%”Continue to our store"
%%LNG_HC_customerviewed%%”Customers also viewed"
%%LNG_HC_downloadedfileexpired%%”This file can no longer be downloaded as it has expired."
%%LNG_HC_emailbigcommerce%%”with BigCommerce"
%%LNG_HC_emaillaunchstore%%”Launch your own store for free"
%%LNG_HC_emailpowered%%”is powered by BigCommerce"
%%LNG_HC_existingcustomer%%”Existing Customer"
%%LNG_HC_giftcertificatecode%%”Gift certificate code"
%%LNG_HC_giftcertificatecoupon%%”Gift Certificate or Coupon Code"
%%LNG_HC_nomarketingmails%%”You will no longer receive marketing emails from"
%%LNG_HC_orderconfirmation%%”Order Confirmation"
%%LNG_HC_outofstock%%”Out of Stock"
%%LNG_HC_payfororder%%”Pay for your order"
%%LNG_HC_proceedcheckout%%”Proceed To Checkout"
%%LNG_HC_productreviews%%”Product Reviews"
%%LNG_HC_returnitem%%”Return Item(s)"
%%LNG_HC_returnstore%%”Return to store"
%%LNG_HC_searchresults%%HC_searchresults ”Search Results"
%%LNG_HC_securityquestion%%”Security Question"
%%LNG_HC_sharediffproduct%%”To share a different product, just select it from those shown below."
%%LNG_HC_sharethis%%”Share This"
%%LNG_HC_shippingaddress%%”Shipping Address"
%%LNG_HC_shippingmethod%%”Shipping Method"
%%LNG_HC_shopnow%%”SHOP NOW"
%%LNG_HC_signin%%”Sign In"
%%LNG_HC_signinorcreate%%”Sign in or Create Account"
%%LNG_HC_signupnewsletter%%”Sign up for our newsletter"
%%LNG_HC_unsubscribe%%”Unsubscribe from"
%%LNG_HC_voucherredemptioncode%%”Voucher redemption code"
%%LNG_HC_writereview%%”Write Review"
%%LNG_HCV_addshoppingbag%%”Add to shopping bag"
%%LNG_HCV_clearform%%”Clear Form"
%%LNG_HearFromUsViaEmail%%"Hear From Us Via Email?"
%%LNG_HeresHowToPayForYourOrder%%”Your order was sent to us but requires payment before it can be completed."
%%LNG_HeresHowtoPayforYourOrderThanks%%”Here's How To Pay For Your Order"
%%LNG_HeresHowtoPayforYourOrderUC%%"Here's How to Pay for Your Order..."
%%LNG_HideSearchForm%%"Hide Search Form"
%%LNG_HowRateProduct%%"How do you rate this product?"
%%LNG_HowWouldYouLikeToPay%%"How Would You Like to Pay?"
%%LNG_IdealIssuerNotSelected%%"Please select your issuer to continue"
%%LNG_IdealPaymentIntro%%"Select your bank below and click the "Continue" button to proceed with payment."
%%LNG_IdealProcessingError%%"Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_InstructionsForPaymentBelow%%"Instructions to pay for your order are shown below:"
%%LNG_InvalidFileTypeJS%%"The file type of the file you are trying to upload is not allowed for this field."
%%LNG_InvalidQuantity%%"Please enter a valid product quantity."
%%LNG_InvoicePendingPaymentText%%"Your order requires payment before it can be finalized. Details on how to pay are shown below."
%%LNG_IPreferThisEmailFormat%%"I prefer to receive emails in this format:"
%%LNG_ISOCode%%"ISO Code"
%%LNG_IssuerConfirmation%%"Issuer Confirmation"
%%LNG_IssuerName%%"Issuer Name"
%%LNG_ItemDetails%%"Item Details"
%%LNG_ItemPrice%%"Item Price"
%%LNG_ItemsShippedTo%%"Items shipped to"
%%LNG_ItemTotal%%"Item Total"
%%LNG_JustSentAnEmailConfirmation%%"We've just sent you an email confirming your order."
%%LNG_LastName%%"Last Name"
%%LNG_LoadingPleaseWait%%"Loading... Please wait..."
%%LNG_Login%%"Sign in"
%%LNG_LoginEnterPassword%%"Please type in your password."
%%LNG_LoginEnterValidEmail%%"Please type in a valid email address, such as <a href=''></a>"
%%LNG_LoginWord%%"Sign In"
%%LNG_LowInventoryWarningAdjust%%"Click here to adjust the inventory level for this product."
%%LNG_LowInventoryWarningAll%%"Click here to view all products with a low inventory level."
%%LNG_ManageYourAccount%%"Manage Your Account"
%%LNG_MerchantName%%"Merchant Name"
%%LNG_MerchantURL%%"Merchant URL"
%%LNG_MessageEmailText1%%"has sent you a message about your order."
%%LNG_MessageEmailText2%%"To view the message and reply, follow the link below:"
%%LNG_MessageEnterContent%%"Please enter a message."
%%LNG_MessageEnterSubject%%"Please enter a subject."
%%LNG_MessageSendError%%"Something went wrong when trying to send your message. Please try again."
%%LNG_MessageSendSuccess%%"Your message was sent and you will receive a response via email shortly."
%%LNG_MobileSite%%"Mobile Site"
%%LNG_NewCustomerIntro1%%"If this is your first purchase from"
%%LNG_NewCustomerIntro2%%"please click the "Continue." button to get started."
%%LNG_NewestItems%%"Newest Items"
%%LNG_NewProducts%%"New Products"
%%LNG_NewProductsFeed%%"New Products RSS Feed"
%%LNG_NewsletterEnterEmail%%"You forgot to type in your email address."
%%LNG_NewsletterEnterFirstName%%"You forgot to type in your first name."
%%LNG_NewsletterEnterValidEmail%%"Please enter a valid email address, such as <a href=''></a>."
%%LNG_NewsletterSpecialOffersText%%"I'd like to receive special offers"
%%LNG_NewsletterSubscription%%"Newsletter Subscription"
%%LNG_NMICardHoldersName%%"Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_NMICreditCardCCV2%%”CVV Code"
%%LNG_NMICreditCardNo%%”Credit Card Number"
%%LNG_NMICreditCardNoHelp%%”Numbers only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_NMIExpirationDate%%”Expiration Date"
%%LNG_NMIPayForOrder%%”Pay for Order"
%%LNG_NMIPaymentIntro%%”Complete the form below and then click the "Pay for Order" button to pay for your order using our secure server."
%%LNG_NMIProcessingError%%”Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_NMITotalAmount%%”Order Total"
%%LNG_NoCaptcha%%"Please enter the code shown."
%%LNG_NoItemsInCart%%"There are no products in your cart."
%%LNG_NoPermissionToAccessThisPage%%"You don't have the necessary permissions to view this page."
%%LNG_NoPreference%%"No Preference"
%%LNG_NoProductsInCategory%%"There are no products in this category."
%%LNG_NotAnExistingCustomer%%"I'm A New Customer"
%%LNG_NotFound%%"Not Found"
%%LNG_NotFoundError%%"The page you were looking for appears to have been moved, deleted or does not exist."
%%LNG_NotFoundReason1%%"An outdated link on another site"
%%LNG_NotFoundReason2%%"A typo in the address / URL"
%%LNG_NotFoundReasonTitle%%"This is most likely due to:"
%%LNG_NotificationAReturnSummaryIsShownBelow%%"A summary of your return is shown below. To view the status of this return"
%%LNG_NotificationClickHereViewReturn%%"View details for return #"
%%LNG_NotificationConfirmationForReturn%%"Confirmation for Return Request for Order ID"
%%LNG_NotificationCustomerDetails%%"Customer Details"
%%LNG_NotificationNewReturnRequest%%"New Return Request for Order ID"
%%LNG_NotificationReturnRequestSubmitted%%"A new return request has been submitted on"
%%LNG_NotificationTheReturnContainsTheFollowingItems%%"The Return Request Contains the Following Items..."
%%LNG_NotificationYourReturnContainsTheFollowingItems%%"Your Return Request Contains the Following Items..."
%%LNG_OnlyFeaturedProducts%%"Only Featured Products"
%%LNG_OnlyFreeShipping%%"Only Free Shipping"
%%LNG_OnlyNonFeaturedProducts%%"Only Non-Featured Products"
%%LNG_OnlyPaidShipping%%"Only Paid Shipping"
%%LNG_OnThe%%"on the"
%%LNG_OrderAwaitingPayment%%"Your order was sent to us but is currently awaiting payment. Once we receive the payment for your order, it will be completed. If you've already provided payment details then we will process your order manually and send you an email when it's completed."
%%LNG_OrderComments%%"Order Instructions/Comments"
%%LNG_OrderDate%%"Order Date"
%%LNG_OrderDetails%%"Order Details"
%%LNG_OrderedItemRemovedFromStore%%"That item was removed from our store and is no longer available for order."
%%LNG_OrderId%%"Order #%s"
%%LNG_OrderIdHash%%"Order #"
%%LNG_OrderItems%%"Order Items"
%%LNG_OrderStatus%%"Order Status"
%%LNG_OrderStatusChanged%%"Order Status Changed"
%%LNG_OrderStatusChangedDatePlaced%%"Date Placed"
%%LNG_OrderStatusChangedIntro%%"An order you recently placed on our website has had its status changed."
%%LNG_OrderStatusChangedOrderTotal%%"Order Total"
%%LNG_OrderStatusChangedPaymentMethod%%"Payment Method"
%%LNG_OrderSubtotal%%"Order Subtotal"
%%LNG_OrderTotal%%"Order Total"
%%LNG_OrderTrackingNoIs%%"The tracking number for this order is"
%%LNG_OtherDetails%%"Other Details"
%%LNG_OutstandingOrderTotal%%"Your outstanding order total:"
%%LNG_PasswordConfirm%%"Confirm Password"
%%LNG_PayflowProCardHoldersName%%"Cardholder's Name"
%%LNG_PayflowProCreditCardCCV2%%"Card Security Code"
%%LNG_PayflowProCreditCardNo%%"Credit Card Number"
%%LNG_PayflowProCreditCardNoHelp%%"Numbers only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_PayflowProEnterCardNumber%%"Please enter the card number only, no spaces or dashes."
%%LNG_PayflowProEnterCreditCardMonth%%"You forgot to choose an expiry month."
%%LNG_PayflowProEnterCreditCardYear%%"You forgot to choose an expiry year."
%%LNG_PayflowProEnterCVV2Number%%"Please enter your credit card security code. This is usually the last three or four digits on the signature strip of your card."
%%LNG_PayflowProEnterName%%"You forgot to enter the cardholder's name."
%%LNG_PayflowProExpirationDate%%"Expiration Date"
%%LNG_PayflowProPayForOrder%%"Pay for Order"
%%LNG_PayflowProPaymentIntro%%"Complete the form below and then click the "Pay for Order" button to pay for your order."
%%LNG_PayflowProProcessingError%%"Something went wrong when trying to process your payment. Please review the error message and try again:"
%%LNG_PayflowProTotalAmount%%"Order Total"
%%LNG_PayForYourOrderHelp%%"Once you've provided payment, your order will be completed."
%%LNG_PayForYourOrderHelp%%"Once you've provided payment your order will be completed."
%%LNG_PaymentMethod%%"Payment Method"
%%LNG_PersonalDetails%%"Personal Details"
%%LNG_PhoneNumber%%"Phone Number"
%%LNG_PleaseAgreeGiftCertificateTerms%%"Please agree to the gift certificate terms."
%%LNG_PleaseChooseAPaymentMethod%%"Please choose a payment method."
%%LNG_PleaseChooseShippingProvider%%"Please choose a shipping method."
%%LNG_PopularProducts%%"Popular Products"
%%LNG_PopularProductsFeed%%"Popular Products RSS Feed"
%%LNG_PostedBy%%"Posted by"
%%LNG_PostedOn%%"Posted on"
%%LNG_PreviousPage%%"Previous Page"
%%LNG_PriceAsc%%"Price: Low to High"
%%LNG_PriceDesc%%"Price: High to Low"
%%LNG_PriceRange%%"Price Range"
%%LNG_ProceedToPayment%%"Proceed to Payment"
%%LNG_ProdName%%"Product Name"
%%LNG_ProductAddToCartLink%%"Add To Cart"
%%LNG_ProductChooseOptionLink%%"Choose Options"
%%LNG_ProductComparison%%"Product Comparison"
%%LNG_ProductComparisonIntro%%"Your product comparison is shown below. Click a product attribute in the left column to sort by that attribute."
%%LNG_ProductDescription%%"Product Description"
%%LNG_ProductDetails%%"Product Details"
%%LNG_ProductPreOrderCartLink%%"Pre-Order Now"
%%LNG_ProductTagCloud%%"Browse by Tag"
%%LNG_ProductTagCloudIntro%%"The product tag cloud shows the different tags (keywords) associated with products. The bigger the tag appears, the more products it contains. Click on a tag to see all products listed under that tag."
%%LNG_ProductVideos%%"Product Videos"
%%LNG_ProductWarranty%%"Warranty Information"
%%LNG_PublishedBy%%"Posted by"
%%LNG_PurchaseGiftCertificate%%"Purchase a Gift Certificate"
%%LNG_QuickViewBulkDiscountsLabel%%"Bulk Discounts"
%%LNG_QuickViewViewDetailsText%%"View Details"
%%LNG_Rate1Star%%"1 star (worst)"
%%LNG_Rate2Stars%%"2 stars"
%%LNG_Rate3Stars%%"3 stars (average)"
%%LNG_Rate4Stars%%"4 stars"
%%LNG_Rate5Stars%%"5 stars (best)"
%%LNG_ReadReviews%%"Read Reviews"
%%LNG_RecentBlogsFeed%%"Recent News RSS Feed"
%%LNG_RecentlyViewedItems%%"Your Recent Items"
%%LNG_RecentlyViewedItemsDescription%%"See a list of items you've recently viewed at %s."
%%LNG_RecentNews%%"Recent Updates"
%%LNG_RecentPosts%%"Recent Posts"
%%LNG_RedeemAGiftCertificate%%"Redeem a Gift Certificate"
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificate%%"Redeem a Gift Certificate"
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificate1%%"You need your unique gift certificate code, which is part of the gift certificate that was emailed to you as an attachment. It will look something like Z50-Y6K-COS-402."
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificate2%%"Browse the store and add items to your cart as you normally would."
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificate3%%"Click the '<a href='cart.php'>View Cart</a>' link to view the contents of your shopping cart."
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificate4%%"Type your gift certificate code in to the 'Redeem Gift Certificate' box and click 'Go'."
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificateAt%%"Redeem your gift certificate at"
%%LNG_RedeemGiftCertificateIntro%%"To redeem a gift certificate at %s, follow the simple steps below."
%%LNG_RegisterAnAccount%%"Register an account"
%%LNG_RelatedProducts%%"Related Products"
%%LNG_RelatedSearches%%"Related Searches"
%%LNG_RemainingStoreCredit%%"Remaining store credit:"
%%LNG_RemoveFromWishList%%"Remove Item"
%%LNG_ReturnAction%%"Return Action"
%%LNG_ReturnedItem%%"Returned Item"
%%LNG_ReturnInstructions%%"Return Instructions"
%%LNG_ReturnItems%%"Return Items"
%%LNG_ReturnOrderItems%%"Return Item(s)"
%%LNG_ReturnQty%%"Qty. to Return"
%%LNG_ReturnReason%%"Return Reason"
%%LNG_ReturnRequests%%"Return Requests"
%%LNG_ReturnRequestsDescription%%"View any outstanding return requests you've made for products you ordered from %s."
%%LNG_ReturnRequestSubmitted%%"Your return request has been submitted successfully."
%%LNG_ReturnSubmittedInfo%%"Your return request was submitted to %s for processing. When it has been processed you will receive an email with more details."
%%LNG_ReturnToHomepage%%"Return to the home page"
%%LNG_ReviewEmailHint%%"We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer."
%%LNG_ReviewEnterYourEmail%%"Your email:"
%%LNG_ReviewEnterYourName%%"Enter your name: (optional)"
%%LNG_ReviewNoEmail%%"Please enter your email address."
%%LNG_ReviewNoRating%%"Please select a rating."
%%LNG_ReviewNoText%%"Please enter some text for your review."
%%LNG_ReviewNoTitle%%"Please enter a title for your review."
%%LNG_ReviewTheContentsOfYourOrder%%"Please review the contents of your order below and then choose how you'd like to pay for your order."
%%LNG_SaleProducts%%"Products On Sale"
%%LNG_SaveAddress%%"Save Address"
%%LNG_SaveAddressInAddressBook%%"Save this address in my address book"
%%LNG_SaveMyReview%%"Save My Review"
%%LNG_SaveWishList%%"Save Wish List"
%%LNG_SearchByPrice%%"Search by Price"
%%LNG_SearchBySetting%%"Search by Setting"
%%LNG_SearchDidNotMatchContent%%"did not match any news or information."
%%LNG_SearchDidNotMatchProduct%%"did not match any products."
%%LNG_SearchedForBrands%%"Did you mean to browse one of the following brands instead?"
%%LNG_SearchedForCategories%%"Did you mean to browse one of the following categories instead?"
%%LNG_SearchFeed%%"View Results as RSS Feed"
%%LNG_SearchFilters%%"Search Filters"
%%LNG_SearchFilters1%%"Search filters allow you to specify custom conditions in your search terms. It's similar to performing an advanced search however you do not have to visit the advanced search page first."
%%LNG_SearchFilters2%%"Search filters should be appended to the end of your search terms. Multiple search filters can be separated by a space."
%%LNG_SearchFilters3%%"Supported search filters are listed below."
%%LNG_SearchFiltersFeatured%%"Return featured products only."
%%LNG_SearchFiltersFreeShipping%%"Return products with free shipping."
%%LNG_SearchFiltersInStock%%"Return products that are currently in stock."
%%LNG_SearchFiltersPrice%%"Allows search results to be filtered by price."
%%LNG_SearchFiltersRating%%"Allows search results to be filtered by rating."
%%LNG_SearchKeyword%%"Search Keyword"
%%LNG_SearchResultsTabContent%%"News & Information"
%%LNG_SearchSuggestion1%%"Make sure all words are spelled correctly."
%%LNG_SearchSuggestion2%%"Try different keywords."
%%LNG_SearchSuggestion3%%"Try more general keywords."
%%LNG_SearchTips%%"Search Tips"
%%LNG_SearchTypeNewsItem%%"News Item"
%%LNG_SearchTypeWebPage%%"Web Page"
%%LNG_SearchYourSearch%%" Your search for"
%%LNG_SecureCheckout%%"Secure Checkout"
%%LNG_SeeAllBrands%%"See all brands"
%%LNG_SelectAWishListToDelete%%"Please choose at least one wish list to delete."
%%LNG_SelectItemsToReorder%%"Please select one or more items to reorder."
%%LNG_SelectItemsToReturn%%"Which items do you want to return?"
%%LNG_SelectOneMoreItemsReturn%%"Please select one or more items to return."
%%LNG_SelectReturnReason%%"Please enter the reason you are returning these item(s)."
%%LNG_SelectValidGiftCertificateAmount%%"Please choose a valid amount for this gift certificate."
%%LNG_SelectValidGiftCertificateTheme%%"Please select a theme for your gift certificate."
%%LNG_SendAMessage%%"Send a Message"
%%LNG_SendForm%%"Send Form"
%%LNG_SendMessage%%"Send Message"
%%LNG_ShipAllItemsToDifferentAddresses%%"Ship items to different addresses"
%%LNG_ShipAllItemsToOneAddress%%"Ship all items to the same address"
%%LNG_ShippedTo%%"Shipped to"
%%LNG_ShippingAddress%%"Shipping Address"
%%LNG_ShippingDetails%%"Shipping Details"
%%LNG_ShippingMethod%%"Shipping Method"
%%LNG_ShippingMethodCombined%%"Multiple Shipping Methods"
%%LNG_ShippingProvider%%"Choose a Shipping Method"
%%LNG_ShipTo%%"Shipping Details"
%%LNG_ShipToTheseAddresses%%"Ship to These Addresses"
%%LNG_ShipToThisAddress%%"Ship to this address"
%%LNG_ShopByPrice%%"Shop by Price"
%%LNG_ShowingReviews%%"Showing reviews"
%%LNG_ShowSearchForm%%"Show Search Form"
%%LNG_SideCartTotalCost%%"Your sub total is <b>%s</b>."
%%LNG_SitemapIntroduction%%"A sitemap lists all pages available on a website. The sitemap for web pages on %%GLOBAL_StoreName%% is shown below:"
%%LNG_SitemapSeeAll%%"See All"
%%LNG_Size%%"Maximum Size"
%%LNG_SomethingWentWrong%%"Something Went Wrong..."
%%LNG_SortBy%%"Sort by"
%%LNG_SortByProductBrand%%"Sort products by brand"
%%LNG_SortByProductName%%"Sort products by name"
%%LNG_SortByProductPrice%%"Sort products by price"
%%LNG_SortByProductRating%%"Sort products by average rating"
%%LNG_StoreCredit%%"Store Credit"
%%LNG_StoreCreditBalance%%"Your store credit balance:"
%%LNG_SubmitNewReturn%%"Return Item(s) from Order #%s"
%%LNG_SubmitReturn%%"Submit Return Request"
%%LNG_SuggestiveCartIntro%%"We found some products that you might also be interested in."
%%LNG_SyndicateFeaturedProducts%%"Featured Products"
%%LNG_SyndicateFeaturedProductsAtom%%"Latest %s Featured Products (Atom)"
%%LNG_SyndicateFeaturedProductsIntro%%"The featured products feed contains the latest %s featured products."
%%LNG_SyndicateFeaturedProductsRSS%%"Latest %s Featured Products (RSS)"
%%LNG_SyndicateIntro%%"RSS feeds are used for syndicating regularly changing content on a web site, including this one. You can open an RSS feed using an RSS reader (opens in a new tab) and use it to see if there is any new content on this site or you can set up a server-side script to parse the feed and display it on your web site."
%%LNG_SyndicateNewProducts%%"New Products"
%%LNG_SyndicateNewProductsAtom%%"Latest %s New Products (Atom)"
%%LNG_SyndicateNewProductsIntro%%"The latest products feed contains the latest %s products added to %s."
%%LNG_SyndicateNewProductsRSS%%"Latest %s New Products (RSS)"
%%LNG_SyndicateNews%%"Recent News"
%%LNG_SyndicateNewsAtom%%"Latest %s News items (Atom)"
%%LNG_SyndicateNewsIntro%%"The recent news feed contains the latest %s news items published on %s."
%%LNG_SyndicateNewsRSS%%"Latest %s New Products (RSS)"
%%LNG_SyndicatePopularProducts%%"Popular Products"
%%LNG_SyndicatePopularProductsAtom%%"Latest %s Popular Products (Atom)"
%%LNG_SyndicatePopularProductsIntro%%"The popular products feed contains the top %s most popular products on %s as rated by users."
%%LNG_SyndicatePopularProductsRSS%%"Latest %s Popular Products (RSS)"
%%LNG_SyndicateSearches%%"Product Searches"
%%LNG_SyndicateSearchesIntro%%"Product search feeds allow you to save your custom product searches as syndication feed that will always update when there are new results."
%%LNG_SyndicateSearchesIntro2%%"To create a product search feed, perform a standard search on %s and at the bottom of the page click on one of the syndication options."
%%LNG_TermsAndConditions%%"Terms And Conditions"
%%LNG_ThisIsAnAutomatedMessage%%"*** This is an automated message, please do not reply ***"
%%LNG_ThisOrderIsMarkedAs%%"This order is marked as"
%%LNG_TickArgeeTermsAndConditions%%"Please agree to the terms and conditions by ticking the check box to place your order."
%%LNG_ToYourWishList%%"to your wish list."
%%LNG_TrackingLink%%"Tracking Link"
%%LNG_TryAgain%%"Try again."
%%LNG_UpdateMyDetails%%"Update My Details"
%%LNG_UpdateShippingCost%%"Update Shipping Cost"
%%LNG_VariationSoldOutMessage%%"The selected product combination is currently unavailable."
%%LNG_ViewCart%%"View Cart"
%%LNG_ViewEditCart%%"View or edit your cart"
%%LNG_ViewMessages%%"View Messages"
%%LNG_ViewMessagesDescription%%"You can receive and send messages to %s about your order. When a message is sent regarding one of your orders, you will receive an email notification."
%%LNG_ViewOrder%%"View Order Details"
%%LNG_ViewOrderStatusDescription%%"See the status of every order you've placed at %s, including whether it has been shipped, and if so an optional tracking number."
%%LNG_ViewYourOrderStatus%%"View Order Status"
%%LNG_WhatsThis%%"What's This?"
%%LNG_WhyReturningItems%%"Why are you returning these items?"
%%LNG_WishListCancel%%"Are you sure you want to cancel? Any unsaved changes will be lost."
%%LNG_WishListDelete%%"Delete Selected"
%%LNG_WishListName%%"Wish List Name"
%%LNG_WishLists%%"Wish Lists"
%%LNG_WishListsDescription%%"See a list of items in your wish list and optionally add each item to your shopping cart for purchase."
%%LNG_WouldLikeToReceiveNewsletter%%"I'd like to receive your newsletter"
%%LNG_WrapItemsDifferently%%"I'd like to gift wrap each item separately"
%%LNG_WrapItemsTheSame%%"I'd like to wrap each of this item using the same wrapping options"
%%LNG_WriteAHeadline%%"Write a headline for your review here:"
%%LNG_WriteYourOwnReview%%"Write Your Own Review"
%%LNG_WriteYourReview%%"Write your review here:"
%%LNG_YesShareWishList%%"I want to be able to share this wish list"
%%LNG_YouMayAlsoLike%%"You May Also Like..."
%%LNG_YourAccount%%"My Account"
%%LNG_YourAccountDetails%%"Your Account Details"
%%LNG_YourAccountHelpIntro%%"From this page you can view your orders, update your account details and more. Choose an option from the menu on the right or learn more about each option below:"
%%LNG_YourAddressBook%%"Your Address Book"
%%LNG_YourCartContains%%"Your cart contains"
%%LNG_YourComments%%"Your Comments"
%%LNG_YouRecentlyViewed%%"You Recently Viewed..."
%%LNG_YourOrder%%"Your Order"
%%LNG_YourOrderDetailsBelow%%"Your order details are shown below."
%%LNG_YourOrders%%"Your Completed Orders"
%%LNG_YourOrderTotal%%"Your order total cost:"
%%LNG_YourOrderTotalIs%%"The outstanding balance of your order is"
%%LNG_YourReturns%%"Your Return Requests"
%%LNG_YourShoppingCart%%"Your Shopping Cart"
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