Catalog API
Category trees

Catalog - Category trees

The Catalog API manages products, categories, brands, bulk pricing rules, and more. To learn more about catalog resources, see the Catalog overview.

Our Catalog category trees and their categories endpoints are the more modern and performant counterparts to the categories (deprecated) endpoints. Although the category trees endpoints and objects are designed to center an MSF-compatible, multi-tenant category tree architecture, the endpoints work just as well in a single storefront context and support batch requests. Use catalog trees categories endpoints, instead of categories (deprecated) endpoints.

The category trees endpoints let you get the categories for a specific tree, and bulk create, bulk update, and bulk delete categories. You can also bulk update the properties of category trees, which includes changing the channels to which a tree is assigned.

The terms "category tree" and "catalog tree" are used interchangeably throughout the documentation.

To learn more about authenticating Catalog endpoints, locate the Authentication section at the top of each endpoint, then click Show Details.



Learn more about Category tree webhook events.

Additional Catalog endpoints

Get all category trees


Upsert category trees


Delete category trees


Get a category tree


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